Teya Salat

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"A person should be techno friendly and techno user but remember that EXCESS can be harmfull :-Dr. Shammi Ahmad"

Food, water, shelter & mobile phone

these are the four basic things you can not live without in this era of mobile revolution.

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Cell phone have crept into our life quite unnoticed but now that they are here,they have evolved into the mainstay of a technology-driven society. They are our constant companions, helping us with personal and proffesional goals. When used in the right context, mobile phones have numerous benefits but when overused or misused, it can be your worst enemy.

In the recent times, researches have cried foul and tried to alert the masses to cell phone overuse. An average mobile user often fall prey to ear pain, headache and dizziness after long duration phone calls, although many of us are too busy to notice it.

According to research findings, health conditions like headache, fatigue, sleep disorder, dizziness, deafness, blurred vision or loss of memory may plague people if they use mobile phone for prolonged hours. These pocket wonders are also known to damage our

Brain and nervous system while mobile radiation may cause cancer and tumour.

In fact, i have known compulsive users who will frequently check for messages, listen to promotional content and even call up customer care for the sake of striking up a conversation. This will eventually leaded to stress and fatigue. Unfortunately, mobile addicts conveniently forget that cell phones are simple connectivity tools and cant act as a round-the-clock social/entertainment partner.

Certainly, mobile phones are not as important as your HEALTH and you must take a call and decide what's best for you.

The best way to stay out of harm's way is to restrict your mobile hours and cut down on unwanted calls. Do not use your cell phone for trivial chit-chats or heated arguements. Face to face conversations will often serve your purpose better if you want to resolve an issue or look forward to some friendly gossip.

Apart from the practical solutions like cutting down on the number of hours you spend on

Your cell phone, you can also try and practise yoga as a stress reliever.

Think twice...

Bcoz health is the matter.

Dr. Shammi Ahmad.

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